Identifying My Target Audience
Are the ages between 16-25 and Sunderland Culture's main aim is to engage with young people and encourage them to express their regional identify like their background, marital status and education. The audience who will be interested in my product will be those who seek and value pop-culture and their love all of things media, as in movies, TV shows, music, art etc., and those who speak very highly and proudly of the passions that they like and what they dislike, which shapes the way they look and understand the world around them.
To better understand my audience's needs, wants, preferences and differences etc., I conducted a public survey on the 'Regional Identity' pitch and analyzed the resulted feedback. The reason to why I choose to use Goggle forms over other popular providers (E.g. Survey Monkey) is because I experienced certain diffulities and technical issues related to the Survey Monkey website as account issues where present with my g-mail account. So as a alternative and easer route to grab responses from people was to use google forms as it was free and didn't acquire any additional private account signings etc. Collecting surveys are important as to gather social graphics, charts etc. to further detail my analyze of my target demographic.
From my first question on the Google form's result page I got 10 responses from my fellow colleagues. By looking at my results I wanted to determine which demographic I was going to spefically pin down and focus my more in-depth social grade analysis on. However, addressing the information that has been left for me on the results page it seems my more 'focused social group' is quite a vast system of totally different Reponses, for example 2 out of 10 of my responses had stated that they did not know what they identified with within Sunderland's culture and never quite thought about it. However on the other hand, 3 people who participated in my survey had stated that of which where they live defined their cultural identity, leaving one person who defined one of their passions/hobbies as an identification of Sunderland culture. Whereas a particular one induivials in my question stated that they don't even live or belong in Sunderland locally therefore their response is irrelevant and polarizing to the actual survey as a whole. In conclusion it seems that I should narrow down my search for regional identity and single out the 3 particular responses which are the most revalent and occurring to my targeted pitch/demographic.
According to my results on the 2nd question of my google forms survey an overwhelming 16.7% majority of people stated 'YES' they do take their opinions viewpoints and passions seriously, I have classed these particular people as my 'Reformers' as they show independent thought and judgement over what they like and dislike they think that there viewpoints matter and refer to themselves with having good taste. I came to this descions because my particular audience that I mention in my pitch Reprensation where unique and indiually driven people with reformed attitudes and lifestyles. On comparison to the rest of my remaining survey of people however I am left with a massively mixed bag of responses to go along with my strong majority. 8.3% of people had stated that their opinions and viewpoints would depend & differ on the matter of the subject topic, verses another 8.3% of people who stated that they do take their opinions somewhat seriously but would never speak out loud towards those who disagree with them and keep themselves to themselves.
I have identified these people as a mixture of both Reform and Resigned, this is because they share the similarities between my Reformers that they do value their own thoughts and opinions, but yet are scared of social indifference and moral identity, as they are unsure to those around them will react this is linked to the ideology of mainstreamers as they seek firmalrity, acceptance, trendiness and popularity, which is a direct collision towards my aspiring target audience that is linked to my oringal pitch Reprensation as I want to appeal to those who are appreciative of pop culture and independent thought when it comes to interpreting media e.g. Films, TV Shows, Music etc. (And others previously mentioned before above.) A very spefic branch of people left on this question that I will definitely be phasing out further into my Qualitive research is the 8.3% of people who stated NO, they don't take their opinions seriously and are very open-minded and free willing. I have identified these people as my strong mainstreamers and will not be taking in their responses much further onward as I am looking for a more reformed type of target audience to fit the shape of my final product. The reason why I have ruled out the more dominant mainstreamers is because they all mostly conventional consumerists who follow the heard and what ever is popular in the market which does identify/relate to my final product idea that I have in my mind.
Analyzing my results that I picked up on my Question-3 of my google forms survey an astonishing 33.3% of my overall answer majority had stated that YES they do like to analyze and pick apart certain aspects of particular video, music, films, TV shows etc. Much like the question before I have identified this portion of people as my 'reformers' to further elaborate I connected this with my social grade and according to my studies I have identified these types of people to be apart of the 'E' category as they are all mostly Students, apprentices, or low-payed/first time (Casual) workers who either are looking into furthering their education through onward university and using a part-time job on the side-lines as a way of income whilst they are studying. This is important for to take in account as I want my final product to be accessible to those 'said' demographics as easily as possible in order to generate interest in my product and it's marketable ability.
Therefore I will choose to publish my final short film/documentary on free, accessible platforms like YouTube or even better post my work on the official Sunderland culture website so it is part of the North East's media identity. However in contrast an 8.3% of people within my survey has stated that they don't like to analyze things at all and just watch the media they like to consume and enjoy as it is and not go into an depth study of the who's, why's and the wayfor's. I will not to really taker in much from these spefic people as they do not align all that much with my targeted reformed audience, they show more mainstreamer characteristics and belong to 'D' category as they tend envauer their careers on more primary to secondary jobs meaning farming, brick layering etc. (just as a sweeping generalization) they tend to not want to over think with the littlest of things and when it comes to consuming media they like fit in with whatever in-crowd they can find hence why I will not explore them any further though my survey analysis from here on out.
Referencing my Results that I picked up on my Question-4 of my google forms survey I give an open reply style of answer for people to type in their favorite pieces and platforms of entrainment, a massive 25% of my overall survey responses said that their favorite pass time was 'Sports' I have identified this quantity of people as my 'Explores' as they show common attributes of particular people who have energy, indiuvalism, experience with the outside world etc. They tend to do a lot of outdoor/curriculum activities and are always Kean to learn and thrive. They can also take their passions quite seriously especially those who enjoy e.g. football etc.
Interestingly this means they share reformed attitudes towards life and common goals which links well into my spefic demographic. This sis important as my project is about all of the passions, hobbies & interests which inspire and captivate people and help them identify with their social/moral indiuvalism. Closely followed behind sports, 16.7% of the responses said that they enjoyed both TV Shows & Music. These are also 'reformed' charactertics that I am looking for within my research to help better build up my audience profile these types of particular personality tend to belong in the 'E' grade category as they tend be much younger, less-skilled people that are just upon the verge of the employment ladder. Which means that if I am going to realize my product out into the market must make it as least cost-worthy to buy into and consume, infact reducing costs complete will be beneficial for audience's access to my product.
Which will tie into my AC-2 when it comes to problem solving with economics etc. A balancing 8.3% of my survey responses had picked a very particular form of spefic entertainment that hey enjoy listening too, and that is GRM Daily. It stands for ' Grime & Trap Music', formally GRM daily, is a British urban music outlet and entrainment platform. The platform serves electronic genres such as UK Garage and Grime. It is the largest media outlet platform in the UK, followed by Link Up TV and Mixtape Madness.
According to my results that I picked up on my question-5 of my google forms survey a whopping 25% of my overall responses said 'YES' they do feel like like their passions and interests affect the way they perceive the world & life around them. This shows that when making my product I should consider how much it can be critiqued and picked apart apon realize as people like this group in particular tend notice and complain about certain faults & misconceptions of certain popular forms of media. Categorically these types of people would fall into the 'explorer' category as well much like the others that where previously mentioned. Therefore I must make sure that my product meets the standards and expectations of those who view media very passionately. I understand as well that this particular style of audience tend to like Easter eggs, secrets and other fun additional pop culture references in their types of media consummation. Interestingly these types of audiences tend to differ in regards to actual social class, and can venture far beyond my main age range of my target audience for the product.
Audience Profile: Construction
The development of my audience profile began with the just simple sketches of the face. Displaying the audience profile as quote on quote 'personified' character which can either be male or female helps to deliver a good-quality, streamlined profile. (And helps to avoid critical disclamation of my designs and incorporates a non-bias in regards to equality of gender) This is important as in a true business envoirment it is crucial that your audience profile is to the point and arcuately presenting your audience demographic as a whole. I drew my Axis with a ruler both vertically and horizontally and lightly sketched an oval-like circle with a 'pink' coloured pencil. As you can see apon further inspection you can notice two different colours of pencil being used. The reason why I like to draw my sketches like this is for better planning and accuracy for when it comes to character portions. The pink pencil stands out against the 6-B pencil and helps me identify the features of my character. It also makes it easier to see mistakes in me drawings and makes life erasing mistakes much more easier to accomplish. It's a very typical practice found within sketching models, layouts and characters etc., most commonly found within storyboarding a comic books for the writers and artists to key out and defernite the stages of the basic skeletal forms of their drawings.
Secondly I started to work on the rest of the body of my audience profile character. Once again keeping my sketches rough and simple to start off with as during these stages in particular, immense detail within the character's external features are not really the focus of completion. However, what helps me to figure out is where the rest of the character's clothing will be placed, since my target audience wears a lot pop culture themed accessories and clothing being able to represent that visually (effectively) within my drawings while be critical at creating an affective final design profile.
Once I was happy with the rough ideas I then began to trace over my sketches to create copies of them and duplicate it using tracing paper.
This is just to save myself from re-drawing all of my previous sketches for maximum accuracy and efficacy.
The streamlined version of my character profile, now all picked out and re-defined with a black sharpie pen.
Important Update
I decided to change the heads and exchanged for a smaller and slightly different head a thought it suited the rest of the character's body more appropriately and fitted with the theme of the audience profile a lot better
The 3rd/Final Draft In Progress
The Final Audience Profile
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