
Showing posts from February, 2022

Rationale (Pitch)

(My Basic Idea) Self Feedback: I  interpreted  the brief where I gave  a  insight on the client and their demands for the project,   talked  about my target audience and how the project will relate to the client and audience. For  m y rationale I have  created a power point that elaborates on the client and audience and how  I'm  going to create my project to cover the fields of the criteria.  I also need to complete my further research for my client, target audience and audience profile to give me a full idea on  how to make my project as  relevant  to the criteria as it can be to reach my targets .   To meet the criteria of AC2 I will be cre a ting a  brainstorm  (idea generator )  to pick out my  best-chosen  idea that I and the  assessor  is co...

Identifying My Target Audience

 Are the ages between 16-25 and Sunderland Culture's main aim is to engage with young people and encourage them to express their regional identify like their background, marital status and education. The audience who will be interested in my product will be those who seek and value pop-culture and their love all of things media, as in movies, TV shows, music, art etc., and those who speak very highly and proudly of the passions that they like and what they dislike, which shapes the way they look and understand the world around them.  To better understand my audience's needs, wants, preferences and differences etc., I conducted a public survey on the 'Regional Identity' pitch and analyzed the resulted feedback. The reason to why I choose to use Goggle forms over other popular providers (E.g. Survey Monkey) is because I experienced certain diffulities and technical issues related to the Survey Monkey website as account issues where present with my g-mail account. So as a ...

Identifying The Client

I am tasked to create a digital piece of representational art/media that best represents what regional identify means to me as a person. As an induvial and a piece of the Sunderland community as a whole. The organizers of 'regional identify in Sunderland, have requested that my final submissions be in the form of video media e.g. a short fictional film, a documentary, print media (in the form of posters etc.) or a combination of the two which is considered to be the most ideal mixture of the two that will demonstrate the skills and knowledge that I have gained and collected over my time at the Bede's media department on campus. Sunderland culture brings together some of Sunderland's most important cultural assets and activities to realize the ambition of a city brimming with massive creative potential. A collaboration between university of Sunderland, Sunderland City Council, and Music, Arts and Culture Trust, they became an Arts council England National Portfolio Organizat...